Aimed at a single point on a test object, the measurment beam of the Optomet laser Doppler vibrometer detects vibrations at the measurement point. Displacement, velocity and acceleration of the surface are measured collinear to the beam direction and up to 160 million times per second. This extremely high sampling rate enables high-precision measurements with resolutions of 0.05 pm/√hz, 1.7 nm/s/√hz and 1.8 µg/√hz.
The Optomet single-point vibrometers combine laser source, interferometer and digital signal processing in a single housing and thus represent the most compact laser Doppler vibrometer systems in their performance class. Operation is intuitive via a touch-screen display to change settings and ergonomic rotary knobs for selecting the measurement ranges on the back of the housing.
Optomet’s highly integrated UltraDSP signal processing delivers extremely low-noise measurement data that is output via a modern Ethernet interface. In combination with the OptoGUI software, the single-point vibrometers are a powerful vibration measurement system with a continuous digital signal chain from a single source, reducing sources for errors and uncertainties.
Simultaneously, separate BNC outputs are available for each measurement signal which can be acquired by existing analog to digital data acquisition systems. Each vibrometer can be configured with the most suitable optics and decoders for any given application.