Optomet develops and manufactures digital laser Doppler vibrometers (LDV) in single-point, fiber and scanning versions. Laser Doppler vibrometers from Optomet are high-precision instruments for non-contact vibration measurements of individual points or entire surfaces. Whether measuring on highly or poorly reflective materials, microstructures to entire buildings – Optomet’s modular LDV systems are the ideal solution for almost any vibration measurement application.
Overview of Features of the Optomet Vibrometry Systems
Optomet provides innovative and modern approaches for laser vibrometry. A selection of a few benefits coming with all of our laser vibrometers are:
Heterodyne Interferometer
Digital Signal Processing
End-to-end Digital Workflow
Easy Handling
Non-Contact / Non-Reactive
All-in-One Design / Portable
GBit Ethernet Interfacing
Various Objective Lenses / Fiber Heads
Flexible Decoder System
Flexible Connectivity

Single-Point Laser Vibrometer
Single-point vibrometers enable the quick and easy measurement of displacement, velocity and acceleration, each in the direction of the laser beam, for a single measurement position. Optomet offers the choice between the powerful systems with a short-wave infrared laser source (Short-Wavelength-Infrared; SWIR) and the conventional laser vibrometers with Helium-Neon (HeNe) lasers. The compact single-point systems are available both as free-beam vibrometers with interchangeable lenses and with specialized, fiber-coupled measuring heads.

Scanning Laser Vibrometer
Optomet scanning laser Doppler vibrometers (SLDV) scan the surface of a measurement object with the laser beam using a mirror deflection unit, so that a large number of measuring points can be automatically measured in a very short time. By combining the vibration data of the individual measuring points, vibrometry becomes a powerful imaging method. It can be used to visualize vibration modes, to identify eigenmodes, or to investigate the propagation properties of waves. Numerous static or animated representations display the vibration data in an intuitive manner. The signal level of the SWIR vibrometer makes treatment of the surface to increase optical reflectivity unnecessary.

Measurement and Analysis Software
Optomet software was developed to optimize the use of the Optomet laser Doppler vibrometers. The software provides intuitively operated modules for the acquisition, visualization, analysis and export of the measurement data. Optomet vibrometer devices can be remotely controlled and networked via the Ethernet interface. The maximum dynamic range of the Optomet laser Doppler vibrometers is available to users in a continuously digital workflow.