Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometers
Optomet SWIR Digital Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer (SLDV) is used for full-field non-contact measurements, visualization and analysis of structural vibrations. It determines and animates Operational Deflection Shapes and Eigenmodes as easily as taking a video. Entire surfaces can be scanned automatically via user defined measurement points. This powerful scanning system offers ultraDSP, Optomet’s state-of-the-art digital signal processing technology with extensive software for data acquisition, 3-D visualization and analysis.
Dual Fiber Digital SWIR Laser Doppler Vibrometers
The Optomet Dual Fiber SWIR Vibrometer consists of a SWIR vibrometer and a flexible Dual-Fiber head. Various objective lenses either collimated or focused are available.
With its build-in stabilized SWIR laser the Optomet Dual Fiber laser doppler vibrometer gets excellent signal-to-noise ratio on nearly any test surfaces. Thanks to ultraDSP, Optomet’s innovative digital signal processing technology, the vibrometer achieves highest accuracy in combination with an outstanding resolution of 1.7 nm/s for velocity and 0.05 pm for displacement.
With an optional fiber switch, multiple fiber heads can be connected to the vibrometer, which allows users to multiplex multiple channels (2, 4, 8, 16, …). The fiber switch comes with an electrical interface (Ethernet, USB, TTL, …) and can be remotely operated by a PC.